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Graduation Requirements

  Course(s) Required for Class of 2025, 2026, 2027 Course(s) Required for Class of 2028
WHS 101 All freshmen are required to take WHS 101 in the first semester. All freshmen are required to take WHS 101 in the first semester.

1 grade level course each year (total of 4)*

1 grade level course each year (total of 4)*


Algebra I* 
2 additional math courses* 
Algebra I* 
Algebra II* 
1 additional math course* 

Physical Science or Physics* 

Physical Science or Physics* 

Social Studies Modern World History* 
US History & Government* 
Citizenship in a Democracy*
Modern World History* 
US History & Government* 
Citizenship in a Democracy*
Physical Education 1 Physical Education course each year (total of 4)* 1 Physical Education course each year (total of 4)*

1 course*

1 course*

Fine Arts 1 course* 1 course*
Computer Competency 1 course* 1 course*
Financial Literacy 1 course* 1 course*
Global Awareness 1 course* 2 course*

Courses selected by students based on personal interest or in pursuit of a career pathway*

Courses selected by students based on personal interest or in pursuit of a career pathway*

Total number of credits required to graduate is 23.

*Students must earn credit in these courses in order to graduate.

At least 3 years of a world language are strongly recommended for all students.
  •  Participation in Community Service: All students must complete 30 hours of community service in a pre-approved setting prior to graduation.
  • Graduation by Proficiency: In order to graduate from Westerly High School, a student must demonstrate proficiency in the school-wide academic learner outcomes.  Students will complete course assessments aligned to school-wide learner outcomes in every course. Additionally, an exhibition of student work through a major applied learning project must be successfully completed.
  • Participation in State Assessment Program:  Grade 10 students must take the PSAT10 and grade 11 students must take the SAT in April.