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Anti-Bullying Task Force

Stop Bullying


Anti-Bullying Reporting Protocols and Resources:

At Westerly Public Schools, we believe a student's right to feel safe in school is paramount and contributes significantly to his or her capacity for learning and social development.  Westerly Public Schools believes that preventing bullying, harassment, dating violence and/or sexual violence is critical for creating and maintaining a safe, secure and positive school climate and culture, which in turn supports academic achievement, increases school engagement, respects the rights of all individuals and groups and purposefully builds community. 

Currently, Westerly Public Schools has procedures in place for reporting bullying and dealing with offenders. These procedures largely call on students to approach a trusted adult and describe the incident in detail. It is our belief that bullying goes unreported because students may not be comfortable reporting incidents to school personnel. 

In our on-going effort to maintain a safe learning environment for all of our students, Westerly Public Schools has developed three new reporting mechanisms to report bullying.  We encourage students and families to utilize these resources to report behavior which may indicate an incident of bullying.  School personnel will investigate each incident that is reported and respond accordingly. 

Please note:  These reports can be made anonymously

STOP! boxes: 
At WHS, STOP! boxes will be located outside of the Cafeteria, the Guidance Office, and the Library.
At WMS, a STOP! box will be located across from the main entrance to the Library.

Bully Reporting Form - online submission


Your NameOptional, but helpful
First Name
Last Name
Optional, but helpful
I am a:required
include information on the bully, victim, any witnesses; the more detail you provide the better
Alleged Bullyrequired
First Name
Last Name
Alleged Victimrequired
First Name
Last Name
Select the statement(s) that you believe best describe what happened. select all that apply
select all that apply
Electronic Communications used to bullyselect all that apply
select all that apply
Harassment:select all that apply
select all that apply
Location of Incident:select all that apply
select all that apply
Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format